That pigeon story
I guess the whole rivalry with pigeons started the time me and Asia were in LX factory eating burgers and had to protect our food from pigeons in all possible ways imaginable. Lisbon pigeons are the most impudent and fearless birds I have seen in my life. They are not afraid of people at all and sometimes I have an impression they believe a human can be intimidated by a flock of birds.
Now to the actual story. For some reason everyone found it absolutely hilarious so I decided it is worthwhile to depict it in my blog. Our kitchen used to have a paper with the text “Please don’t leave this door open, the birds might come in” written on it in hand writing sticked to the balcony door. Nobody knew for sure where it comes from and why exactly was it there. The day after coming from a Porto trip I was supposed to come to Asia’s place to work on the cryptography project. I totally overslept and the first message I read that day was “Elli you didn’t wake up on time :P” sent to me by Asia half an hour after the time I was supposed to be standing at her door. In a quite confused state I decided to still have breakfast at home and then leave the house as soon as possible. I hastily prepared some oatmeal and opened the fridge in search of the half-empty milk package I knew I left there before leaving to Porto. There was none. My flatmates drank it all without my permission and didn’t go through the trouble of replacing it. In fact not a single person in the apartment had milk in the fridge that morning. Quite outraged I rushed to the supermarket. Guess what, I forgot to close that very balcony door, so when I entered the kitchen again there was a pigeon on the edge of the counter eating my breakfast. As it maybe not obvious for some people I threw away the oatmeal and prepared a new one. I was absolutely thunderstruck therefore I don’t have any pictures of this indeed bizarre situation. However it turned out there is this one particular pigeon that comes to sit on the rail of the balcony every day to peek inside of the kitchen door checking if by any chance it was left open.